

Top Questions

  • Want to check your entry/ change some details?

Head over to ⁠Let's Do This here to review your event entries on their platform. Select your entry and click on “edit”

  • "Is the 2025 Wizz Air Hackney Half sold out?”

    Yes! The 2025 event is already sold out for general entries. There are still some charity places available, you can check out our Partners here. Jump on the waitlist to be among the first to hear about 2026 tickets!

  • The event is set to start at 09:00. Start times for each participant will be emailed out to you roughly 2 weeks before the event date, please check your spam folder.

    There is a race cut-off time of 3 hours and 30 minutes for each runner, after which any runners still on the course will be asked to move to the pavements so that we can give Hackney residents their roads back!

  • Hackney Marshes, Homerton Road, E9 5PF.

  • Yes - there will be a space to store your bag whilst you run. You will receive or collect your race number, which will also have attached your bag label and bag collection tab.  More detailed information on this will be provided closer to the event date and will also be available in the Race Day Guide, which will be emailed to runners and published on our website prior to the event.

  • We usually have a limited amount of changing space available for runners to use at the Wizz Air Hackney Half, which will be located close to the bag drop area.  

    More detailed information on this will be provided closer to the event date and will also be available in the Race Day Guide, which will be emailed to runners and published on our website prior to the event.

  • Your entry fee covers the staging of the event and third party insurance.

  • As always, our ambition is to create our events so that they are fully inclusive and appeal to participants of all experience and abilities. We are investing our resources into our overall event experience for our participants and engagement with the local community, from hosting engaging route entertainment and festival village activities, to improving the event’s sustainability and carbon footprint. This is all whilst continuing to deliver seamless race operations as part of a safe and enjoyable day for all taking part.

    Whilst we’re all about celebrating every single participant in the Wizz Air Hackney Half, we still want to acknowledge the speedy performance of our race winners and will therefore be offering prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places in female, male and racing wheelchair categories. Prizes will take the form of vouchers and/or products from our partners.

  • The minimum age for competitors is 16, as long as you are 17 on or before 31st December 2025. 

    For the Hackney 5K you must be 13 years old at the end of the calendar year to compete. 

  • Additional race day information will become available to all participants in the weeks leading up to the event. If you have any questions or concerns in the meantime, please contact us at ‘hello@hackneymoves.com

    To give you an idea of what to expect, here is a link to the 2024 Race Day Guide - please note the 2025 Guide will contain updates and changes, so be sure to check back for the most current information closer to the event.

  • Race Pack Delivery:

    You can purchase race pack delivery upon registration, in which case your race pack will be posted to you in the 2 weeks prior to the event.

    To update your address or add race pack delivery you need to access your registration via the ‘Let’s do This’ platform here. Once you are in, click on edit and amend all necessary details. If you need assistance, please email support@letsdothis.com

    Please note - amendments can be made until the provided deadline. We will advise on this date in the months leading up to the event.

    Race Pack Collection:

    If you did not pay for race pack postage when registering, you will need to collect your race pack from the collection point in the Festival Village on the Friday or Saturday prior to the event. Details about collection times will be shared in 2025.

  • If your pack doesn't make it to you in the post, then you'll need to collect a new race number from the collection point in the Festival Village on Friday or Saturday prior to event day. Details about collection times will be shared in 2025.

  • To be able to pick up your event pack you need your collection QR code and your actual photo ID. Please note that a picture of the ID won’t be accepted for Health & Safety reasons.

    All QR codes for event pack collection will be sent out the week prior to the event date via email as well as via text message with a link, please keep an eye out for these, the email might pop in your spam folder!

    Should the QR code link not work, don’t worry! The team at the helpdesk/ event pack collection desk will be able to assist you.

  • Your race pack will contain:

    - A race bib with a unique runner number. The chip which records the runner's time is at the back of the bib, so please make sure you don't bend it.

    We are encouraging participants to try to keep and reuse items such as safety pins from event to event. As a result, we are no longer sending out safety pins in our Race Packs, reducing the environmental impact of our event as part of our broader sustainability manifesto. Please do your best to bring some with you on event day!

    For anyone who is unable to bring your own safety pins, we will have areas within the festival village to collect some.

  • Hackney 5K race bibs will only be available for collection on event day. Specific details will be released closer to the event date.

  • You are more than welcome to run with headphones, however, we recommend running without so you can listen for any instructions from route marshals and soak up the amazing route entertainment & atmosphere!

  • The best option in the area is the Westfield Stratford City (E20 1EJ) car park: capacity of 4,500 spaces, (25-minute walk to the Festival Village). Visit their website for more information.

    Opening times vary for Car Parks (A,B,C) please check the website.

  • The 2024 bib collection was available in the Event Village at Hackney Marshes on:

    Friday 17th May from 16:00 to 19:00

    Saturday 18th May from 09:00 to 17:00

    2025 timings will be confirmed in due time.

    A physical PHOTO ID is mandatory to be able to pick up your event pack.

    Should you not be able to make it to pack collection within these times, you can ask a friend/family member to pick up your event pack. The person picking up the pack:

    • will have to show your PHOTO ID (must be a physical copy)

    • will have to show your pack collection QR code

    • will be asked to sign a declaration form confirming that they have permission to collect this bib on behalf of the runner, and are not intending to run in the bib themselves.

    The QR codes for event pack collection will be sent out one week prior to the event date via email and then again via text message on Friday 16th May, please keep an eye out for these, the email might pop in your spam folder!

    Please remember to fill up the back of the bib with the required information such as emergency contact and medical details, before the event day.

    IMPORTANT: Any runner that participates with a bib that is not assigned to them in our system will be removed from the event site as they will be committing a serious breach of our Terms & Conditions. This poses a significant health & safety risk to not only the person running in the incorrect bib, but to all of our runners on the day.

  • There is a race cut-off time of 3 hours and 30 minutes for each runner, after which any runners still on the course will be asked to move to the pavements, so that we can give residents their roads back. If you do decide to continue on the pavement, please be mindful of the traffic that will be reopening.

  • Your pen allocation and/or your estimated finishing time cannot be changed at this stage. 

    If you want to start with someone who has been allocated a different pen letter, you may move backwards to an alternative pen (no need to change race number), but not forwards in an earlier starting wave. For example from B you can go to C, D, F etc... but if you are in C you can't go to B.



  • All Motiv Sports events aim to be inclusive, offering people of all abilities the opportunity to take part. 

    Please read the information below about taking part if you have a disability and/or require assistance on event day. 


    Wheelchair entrants are permitted at the Hackney Half. At registration checkout, simply tick the wheelchair participant box and we'll be in touch to coordinate any necessary details with you.

    Hand cycles, however, are not permitted and all wheelchair participants must be self-propelled without support.  

    If you meet our elite qualifying time and are also taking part in a racing wheelchair, then you will start at the front of the race, shortly before the main field.  If you are taking part in a day chair then you will start the race at the back of the main field. 

    Disabled participants who need assistance: 

    If you are a visually impaired runner or your disability and/or medical conditions means that you require a guide runner/assistant, then please contact us at hello@hackneymoves.com detailing your request.

    We strongly advise that each participant and their guide should be appropriately identified and linked together in a safe way on event day. Guide dogs are permitted on the event site, however they are not permitted on the Wizz Air Hackney Half race route.



  • 'Let’s Do This' is our partner registration platform to take on the Wizz Air Hackney Half entries for 2025. 

    When you enter the Wizz Air Hackney Half, your entry information and payment is processed by 'Let’s Do This' and passed securely to Motiv Sports. Your bank statement will show 'Let’s Do This' against your event entry and you will receive a booking confirmation email from 'Let’s Do This'. Once you are entered, all event communication will come from Motiv Sports and the Wizz Air Hackney Half team. 

  • You can check if you've registered for any of our events at this link, which will take you to our booking partner Let's Do This.

    If you can't access your Let’s Do This account or don't remember your details, please email support@letsdothis.com

    Our event portfolio includes Etape Caledonia, Wizz Air Hackney Half, Blenheim Palace Triathlon, London 10K, London Duathlon and Oxford Half.

    When you completed your registration and purchased your entry you should have received a confirmation email from us containing all the details of your event booking including your booking reference. 

  • Editing your registration details, including predicted finish time, and race pack delivery address is easy, you can go to your dashboard by follow this link, select your ticket and then click on “edit”.

    Your event pack will be posted to you in the 2 weeks prior to the event. Your address must be up to date on your registration at least 5 weeks before the event day in order for these to be sent to the correct place as we will not be able to re-send.

    Please keep an eye out for emails (we suggest checking your spam folder and adding us to your contact list) months prior to the event as we will advise on key dates.

    If you need assistance you can reach out to us at hello@hackneymoves.com and/or Let's DO This at support@letsdothis.com and they will be able to update your information.

  • The entry fee to the Wizz Air Hackney Half is non-refundable.

    Deferrals and Transfers have now closed for 2025. Please note bib-swapping is strictly prohibited. Anyone found to have swapped bibs will be disqualified and removed from all future Motiv Sports events.

    For further information on this please read the full entry Terms & Conditions here and the deferral policy here.

  • Unfortunately, Limelight Sports Ltd., the company that owned the Limelight Sports membership programme has ceased trading and has entered into administration. Your membership and the associated member benefits have been terminated.

    If you have any event-related questions you can email us at ‘hello@hackneymoves.com

  • Elite Entry applications for 2025 closed on 7 March. We will be in touch with successful applicants in the coming weeks.

    To qualify for a complimentary place in the elite race, participants must have a qualifying time within the last 3 years of 1:10:00 or quicker for men, and 1:20:00 or quicker for women.

    To qualify for a complimentary place in the elite wheelchair race, participants must take part in a racing wheelchair and also have a previous qualifying time within the last 3 years of 1:20:00 or quicker for men and 1:30:00 or quicker for women.  

    All other wheelchair participants taking part in day chairs will start together at the back of the half marathon field to ensure they can participate safely in the race.

  • You can join the 2026 waitlist here and be amongst the first to know when tickets go on sale.

  • Yes - TOTM are kindly supplying the event with a variety of products which you can request at our help and information desks in the village, as well as marshals and volunteers at aid stations on the route


Charity Runners

  • You're free to raise funds for whichever charity you like. If you don't have a charity in mind, you can find our supporting charities on our Hackney Moves page here.

  • After purchasing the entry from the charity you have to wait for them to process it.

    Once they have done so, you will receive an email with a link that will lead you to the Let's Do This registration platform. Here you will be able to claim your entry by filling in all of the required details. As soon as you have completed registration, paid for any add-ons and submitted the form, you should receive an email confirmation.

    NOTE: you will be able to participate in the Wizz Air Hackney Half Marathon only if you complete our registration form and claim your entry.

  • You can find all Wizz Air Hackney Half charity partners on the  charities page .

    If you would like to run for our Headline Charity Partner Alzheimer’s Society, see their website for details here.

    We recommend setting up a JustGiving page to assist with marketing and securing your funds.

  • Unfortunately charity places for Hackney Moves 2025 are sold out.

    If you have already purchased charity places before they sold out, you will need to register a new account for 2025. To start, please specify if you would like to pay for your places by credit/debit card or invoice.

    If you opt to pay for your places via invoice: you will be issued an invoice within 4 working days. Following payment, your event places will be reserved immediately.

    Once your places have been confirmed as paid, you will be sent a link to access your event dashboard to invite your fundraisers to register for the event.

    If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us via email at charities@motivsports.com


Hackney Schools’ Challenge 

  • School helpers are welcome to join, but every teacher and helper must register online for the Schools' Challenge.

    All registered participants will receive relevant accreditation which grants entry to the Schools' Challenge area within the Hackney Moves venue on the Hackney Marshes. We cannot allow entry to anyone without the required accreditation so we can ensure the area is safe and secure for our schools. 

  • While we don’t ever want a child to miss out, we have to monitor capacity to keep children safe and we need to ensure we order enough medals and giveaways for all participants.

    Therefore, we cannot guarantee we will be able to accept entries after the deadline for the Hackney Schools' Challenge. Please drop us a line to find out if we can allow late additions at schools@hackneymoves.com.

  • We understand it’s difficult to bring enough teachers to supervise, especially for large schools. We do allow parent helpers, however, the school is responsible for safely vetting and recruiting trusted adults to assist with supervision. 


Additional Information

  • Giving time as a volunteer at the Wizz Air Hackney Half is a fantastic opportunity to get involved and experience up close an amazing weekend of sport. 

    Please check the volunteer page for updates in the months leading up to the event.

  • If you feel unwell whilst running stop as soon as you can and seek help. There will be marshals and stewards on the route who will be able to assist and contact the medical team.

    See your GP if you have a problem or any concerns that it might be a risk for you to take part in the event. If you have any known medical conditions (such as diabetes, asthma, allergy to penicillin, etc) inform us prior to the event by entering it in the box provided on the online application. 

    In addition, please write all medical details on the back of your event number. Whether you have a medical condition or not, if you feel unwell on the event day – don’t take part. If you have flu, a feverish cold or a tummy bug, do not train until you have fully recovered. Then start gently and build up gradually. Do not attempt to catch up on lost mileage after illness or injury – this may cause further damage or illness. 

  • Please contact the event organisers via email, hello@hackneymoves.com with a full description & picture, if possible, of the missing item and we will do our best to reunite you with it.

  • Marathon Photos are our official photographer for the event. This is their website where you can retrieve your photos and further information. Pictures will be available the day after the event.

    If you are looking for pictures of past Hackney Half events you can check the same website.

  • Provisional results will be available via the tracking link on our website and if you have inputted a British mobile number, they will be texted to you.
    Within a few days the results will be posted on this website.

  • Your age group is based upon the date of birth that you entered. Note that your age group is determined by your age on  31st December 2025 of the race year and not your age on race day.

  • Please note that we don’t operate a reserve/cancellation list as we already take into account the usual drop-out rate prior to the event.

  • There may be several reasons for this.

    If you have a booking ID - please try to enter your details at this link to access your entry. Click on "Edit" and check that your email address is correctly typed and with no errors.

    Secondly, emails can often get directed straight into junk/spam folders or get rejected by email servers altogether. Please ensure that you check those folders and additionally add ‘hello@hackneymoves.com’ to your safe senders list to receive future emails.

    If you have unsubscribed from our mailing list and would like to resubscribe, please click here.

  • We are grateful that you would like to join us at the 2025 Wizz Air Hackney Half as a pacer. Applications are closed at this stage, but we will update this space should there be any changes.


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